Seniors Often Feel Intimidated By Technology

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Many older adults that didn’t have access to computers as they grew up or in their daily lives often feel intimidated by the thought of learning how to use a computer. But the use of a computer doesn’t have to be something to fear. There are many programs that help older adults learn how to use a computer and navigate the web. Check with your local senior center, community college, or library to find out where adults can get free computer classes. Once older adults learn to use a computer and start going online, they will find that there are benefits to owning a computer. When they are ready to frequently go online search for a good Home Internet Service Provider Chelan County WA.

The Internet Can Help Seniors Socialize

Many older adults find it difficult to socialize with friends or family. The reasons for this can be a health problem, or they simply live far from some friends or family. Social media platforms can make socializing easier. Facebook is one social media platform that lets older adults socialize. It’s easy for adults to find out what is happening with friends and family by adding them as a friend and watching their daily posts. They can also get in touch by chatting or through video calls. Socializing online helps older adults feel less alone and keep in contact with everyone they know.

Keep Learning New Things Online

As older adults retire and remain at home not only is it difficult for them to socialize but it is also hard to keep entertained and the brain active. One way to learn new things is by watching YouTube video tutorials. There are many Youtubers that upload free video tutorials in knitting, crocheting, drawing, painting, and language lessons. Older adults can keep their minds agile by learning a new language. There are many language lessons to choose from including French, Japanese, and Korean. Another option is learning how to paint. Many of the Bob Ross painting tutorials are uploaded on YouTube for people who want to learn to paint.

Keep Entertained With Streaming Services

There are several low-cost streaming services available for entertainment. These services include Hulu, Prime Tv, and Netflix. These streaming services offer movies, TV shows, and in the case of Netflix, Netflix only series. Some cost just under ten dollars and other under fifteen dollars. Choosing a streaming service for entertainment doesn’t cost much and offers many hours of entertainment.

The Internet Is A Hub For Entertainment And Socializing

The internet is the means to keep older adults connected with friends and family, learn new things, and entertainment. If you know an older adult or are an older adult that feels intimidated by technology, don’t be scared to learn how to use a computer and have access to all of these great benefits. Technology might seem intimidating at first, but little by little you can learn how to use it and open up a world full of possibilities online.