Refurbished Cell Phones – Is It Safe to Buy Them?
Even if you buy the most high tech phone available, there will be a better model in the market within a month or so. Since the grass is always greener on the unattainable side, your desire for the hottest new phone shall always remain insatiable.
If you go through phones faster than women go through new clothes, you need an economical solution for your technologically philandering ways. Refurbished cell phones are almost as good as their brand new counterparts and cost a lot less.
If you are wondering what refurbished cell phones are, here is an overview. Cell phones with minor or major defects are sent back to the manufacturers for repair, these phones are restored to their former glory and return to the market as good as new. The reliability of such a phone depends on the kind of defect it suffered from and the treatment meted out to it. If it was a hardware defect and the faulty hardware was replaced instead of being repaired, then the chances of relapse are slim to none. Also, the odds of total recovery are better if the phone was refurbished by its original manufacturer instead of a local repair shop.
There is always a risk involved in buying a refurbished phone. But not all phones are sent back because of irregular functioning. A lot of phones are returned by customers when they are not comfortable with it or if they find the configuration unsuitable. Such phones are brand new and have no defects whatsoever. Several cell phone providers also allow their customers to return their handsets within a particular time period if they are not satisfied with it. Thus, there are a lot of brand new, untarnished and unharmed models in the refurbished cell phone market. If you can get your hands on such devices, you get a new phone at half the original price. What better deal could you have asked for?
When you purchase a refurbished phone, check the company that is responsible for the refurbishment. Do a little homework and get feedback from previous customers as well. Warranty is of utmost important; most sellers offer a decent return policy and at least a 30-day warranty period with their product. If your seller denies warranty, it’s time to move to the next store or website. You must also research the price of the refurbished model you are purchasing. Prices of a particular model can wary depending on its life span and the damage it incurred. So make sure you the best deal in the market.
Most cell phone service providers are in the business of selling refurbished phones. The advantage of buying a phone from a service provider is that it functions smoothly with the phone network and account. You can purchase refurbished phones online as well, just make sure they provide money back or exchange options. A phone at half price is no good if it doesn’t function properly.